Kira Rudik Keynote Speech
Kira Rudik addresses Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference 2023.
The Liberal Democrat European Group, alongside the full Liberal Democrat party, commits to standing with Ukraine in its self-defence from Putin's war.
Today all of us will be thinking of the Ukrainian families split up by Putin’s invasion. We will be thinking of those who have lost a loved one and those who fight for Ukraine’s freedom. Over the past year we have seen amazing acts of heroism in Ukraine as well as unflinching unity across Europe and our politics in the UK. We will never forget the suffering of the Ukrainian people at the hands of Putin’s barbaric regime and we will stand in solidarity with Ukraine until they achieve victory.
Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Ed Davey
For decades and centuries, Europe has fought against the forces of fascism, authoritarianism and war, in support of human rights, democracy and peace. Russia's declaration of war on Ukraine not only reminds us that these forces are not gone, but also reminds us of the bravery and heroism required (and demonstrated by Ukrainians) to fight against them. As Ukraine defends itself from Russia's invasion, and from Putin's regime, the Liberal Democrat European Group, like the full Liberal Democrat party, stands in solidarity with our Ukrainian allies and friends.
Through our work in the Party, our influence in international groups such as Liberal International and the Alliance for Liberals and Democrats in Europe, and our partnerships with other Associated Organisations like the Liberal Democrat Friends of Ukraine we commit to standing for Ukraine, its right to self-determination, and against illegal invasion of Putin's Russia.
Kira Rudik addresses Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference 2023.
Russian liberal party Yabloko will be standing in the Russian municipal elections on 10 September.
August 24th is Ukrainian Independence Day