Event followup: Meet Mike Galsworthy - Chair of the European Movement

Earlier this week, the Liberal Democrat European Group were happy to host a webinar with newly-elected Chair of the European Movement, Mike Galsworthy. With recent news of the UK rejoining most areas of Horizon Europe, and opinion polls showing rejoining the EU as a far more appealing option than staying out, the momentum for rapprochement with our European neighbours is growing.
Learning about the work of the cross-party European Movement and how it relates to the Liberal Democrat European Group’s own campaigns, we noticed much cross-over; the need for a step-by-step strategy to reach the ultimate aim of rejoining the EU; the necessity to win seats from the Conservatives in order to open up campaigning opportunities on closer EU-UK relations; and of course, the opportunities that projects like Horizon Europe, Erasmus+ or freedom of movement could give to the UK.
After an insightful 30 minute introduction from Mike, he kindly offered to engage in a Q&A, where we started talking about Horizon and other projects we could push for (Erasmus+, Euratom and others). Members then moved on to question Mike on the cross-party aspects of the European campaign, specifically on how we work with and convince members of other parties to join pro-EU movements.
We thank Mike for joining us, and his passionate, learned insights into UK-EU relations. If you enjoyed the event and want to find out about our future events, get in touch to join our mailing list. With a strong presence at our upcoming Party Conference, important events with the ALDE Party and LYMEC (the ALDE Party’s youth wing who primarily work through the Young Liberals), and planned events with senior parliamentarians, there are many opportunities to help the Liberal Democrat European Group to promote pro-Europeanism in the Liberal Democrats, the UK and the continent.